whakatika services

Let’s journey together

We are here when you need us.

Our services are subsidised to below commercial rates.
Our practitioners, all of Christian faith, are professionally qualified, independently supervised, and registered or accredited according to their field of expertise.

therapeutic counselling

Psychological counselling using professionally registered counsellors of Christian faith who adhere to the NZCCA code of ethics.

Whakatika Spiritual COUNSELLING

Spiritual Counselling is a mode of healing for the whole person, offered from a professionally trained Christian perspective.

Whakatika (whaka-tee-kah) is a beautiful te reo Māori word
with multiple related meanings.
A key meaning is ‘to arise, or rise up’; with others including ‘to prepare’, ‘to straighten oneself’, and ‘to start or to set out on a journey.’
Each of these meanings contributes to the core mission and values which form the foundation of Whakatika Services

our team

Meet our amazing team

Qualified to help you heal and grow

Vikki Bland

Mental Health & Relationship Counsellor

THERAPeuTIC Counselling

Psychological counselling using professional counsellors of Christian faith who adhere to the NZCCA code of ethics.

Helen Harray

Counsellor, Teacher, Author

Spiritual counselling

Spiritual Counselling is a mode of healing for the whole person, offered from a professionally trained Christian perspective.